Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We made it back! 10/2/07

Approximately nine and a half hours after leaving our hotel in Milan (at 4:00 in the morning), Amanda and I arrived safely home at our dorm. This means that not once did we go to the wrong airport, get on the wrong train, miss the bus, or do any other semi-stupid things. Clearly our trip planning skills are improving by leaps and bounds.

On Saturday in Milan we got up and went to this giant marketplace. They had everything there. It was like going to Chinatown in New York, except that everything was in tents that were in quite close proximity to one another and on both sides of an aisle. So it was very difficult to move. We managed it though, and came back with some very cool stuff (most of it is presents, so I won't elaborate). After more pizza, we headed to the castle in Milan, where we were accosted by fake-purse salespeople. Since purses were the one thing that we were really keeping our eyes out for but had been unable to find, we were thrilled. I bought a black 'Prada' for 20€. Not too bad, considering that the starting price was 75€. The castle was pretty cool, but by the time we were done with it, we were both pretty exhausted. So we ate dinner and called it a relatively early night.

Tomorrow is the Day of German Unity, which is when the Berlin Wall fell and East and West Germany were reunited. The treaty to ratify wasn't signed until December, but we'll overlook that. Most people have class off tomorrow, but not me. Since we are still able to get into the building, we're having class. A concession was made however; Andres has said that we can have a party. So later on, I'm baking a cake for the party. Right now, I'm going to culture class to learn more about Germany today.

I'm not sure if I will be able to blog again for a few days, so if I can't, Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Exchange Rates:
$1= € .69
€1= $ 1.42

This just keeps getting better and better.

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