Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Last Day in Germany 12/9/07

So for the last three days, Amanda and I have been going to Christmas festivals right and left. We went to the one in Frankfurt, the one in Nürnberg, and the one in Marburg. Frankfurt was the best, Nürnberg was the oldest, and Marburg was by far the easiest to get to and from. While we (our friend Maya was there with us) were in Nürnberg we also got to go on a tour of the Courthouse where the Nazi Tribunals were held. That was quite interesting. I was really glad we got to see that.

In general, I find it very surreal that I will be going home tomorrow. I've really settled into life here (and into Amanda's room, thanks to the ResLife policy) and it seems strange to be going back to America. This has been a really positive experience, and I will be sad to see it end. It was so nice to be able to travel around Europe more or less at a whim. Not that I won't be traveling next semester, but it won't be the same as taking off to a country where you don't speak the language with just your best friend. Kinda empowering. It will be amazing to be back in the states and able to see everyone though. Mixed feelings, I guess.

But they're generally good feelings all around. I have very few regrets regarding this trip, which seems to be the best way to come out of it.

Things I will miss: Amanda, Traveling, Pretzels, IUSP, My Economic Policy Tutor, Exploring, Having a Kitchen, Miss Ericka Weissenbeuhler, Maya B, Obsessing over the Exchange Rate (though I suppose I can still do that), German Toothpaste (but I bought a stash), Kids Movies in German, Kneeling Busses, Taking a Nap every day, Capitalizing Nouns, European Money, and, well, Europe in General.

Things I will not miss: Reslife in Germany, Lack of Campus, Lack of Extra-Curriculars, Trains Breaking down, Traveling with Fußball fans (before and after the game), Poorly-behaved children without parental guidance, Busses that only come once an hour in the rain, Sunday closing laws, having no freaking idea what's going on in my classes until I get to the tutorial, Excessive Smoking, Getting to and from Ryanair, Communicating across the Atlantic, and Time Differences.

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