Friday, July 9, 2010

Seven sunscreen applications!

We had an absolutely incredible day. I can only highlight the cliff notes here, because it's 9:30 here, and we're waking up at 3:30 for our flights to Santorini... I'm excited, but 3:30 in the morning is going to hit pretty hard.

Brief summary of our day:
-We hit three islands (Hydra, Piros, and went swimming at two of them.
-We jumped off rock into the Aegean Sea (or possibly the Sea of Crete - I'm not sure where one picks up and the other leaves off) which was absolutely perfect. We could see the mountains and the town, and the water was the color of my bedroom (i.e. a-freaking-mazing)
-We (mostly Katie, as I was too busy applying sunscreen) made friends with some people from Syria, who said that we could go and visit them whenever we wanted to. One of them gave Katie a bracelet. I think we're... not going to take them up on it.
-The weather was amazing - not a cloud in the sky, and because of the cruise ship, there was a lovely breeze.
-After around seven hours in the sun, I (for the most part) DID NOT GET A SUNBURN!!!!!! Neither did Katie, but she's a more seasoned tanner.

P.S. Feel better Kirsten!

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