Thursday, July 1, 2010

And 2009 is over 1/1/10

So after a long and somewhat adventurous flight, I landed in Cairo International Airport more or less on time. I paid $15 for a very pretty entry visa, got in line, and 20 minutes later was through customs. Farah and her were waiting for me, which was awesome, and we were on our way.

Some initial observations about Cairo. It's really warm here. Driving back from the airport, the temperatures were in the 60s, which was more than pleasant after the 9 degrees that Massachusetts was when I left. Traffic laws may be in place, but practically speaking, driving seems to be a free for all. Lane markers are ignored, weaving is common, honking is constant, and a car's personal bubble is nonexistent. An interesting cultural note. There are massive cemeteries in the middle of the city (they used to be on the edges, but urban sprawl built up around them), and these cemeteries are not like the ones I live next to. Apparently families buy plots of land in this area, and then build their houses on them. Ancestors reside right down cellar. Very convenient.

When we got to Farah's, we hung out for a little bit and then I got to try some Egyptian cuisine. I had a rice, lentil, pasta mixture (real name to come when I get Farah to spell it again) and a grilled lamb/beef thing (again... I'll figure this out...). Quite tasty. After dinner, we went to Farah's friend's apartment for a small new year's celebration. We played board games, ate cookies, and drank champagne while waiting for midnight to strike, which is my kind of celebration.

Tomorrow, we're going to the Cairo Museum, and we have some kind of a lunch event. I'm excited!!!

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