Saturday, November 13, 2010

First day as tourists

When I last left the blog, we were planning to get up RIDICULOUSLY early to go see the sunrise over the Charles Bridge. Well, we managed to get up at 6:30 and to get out the door by 6:50, so that we could do that half hour walk to the bridge. We were joined by Coree and Erika (my roommate). Unfortunately, there were substantial clouds in the east, but when the sun finally broke through, it really was pretty cool. I'll put up pictures later today.

Since we were already up and on that side of town, we decided to walk along the river and see the "dancing building," which was based on Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. It's a really neat building, and it fits in with the surrounding architecture better than you might think, considering the lack of straight lines. After checking out the building, we meandered back toward the hotel, since Coree and Erika had mid-day flights.

We had to check out of the Marriott at 12, so we got packed up and headed out. We're now at the EuroAgentur, which is also a four star hotel, but is much friendlier. For example, both internet and breakfast are included (neither of which was true at the Marriott) and it was literally two blocks away. Very easy to get to. They also let us check in two hours early, which was very convenient.

After dropping our stuff, we headed back out to the city to walk around for a few hours. We found the Jewish Cemetery, and we walked back across the bridge and up to the castle, stopping to peek in souvenir shops all along the way. The weather was great, and on the way back, we figured out our evening activity. Get ready for this one: Black Light Theater.

Yup. That's right. We went to a non-verbal black light theater show: Life is Life. It combined several forms of music and dance to create a story about the main male character's life. First thing out on stage? It's completely dark, and we watched this guy be "birthed" out of a giant glowing bubble. Katie and I both kinda lost it at that point. Then he "grew up" over a few minutes (where we were able to compose ourselves) and started stripping. From there on, we couldn't stop laughing. It was totally bizarre, but for some reason hugely funny. The basic premise was that this guy was just going along, living his life, when he fell in love with this girl. The girl didn't love him back (and had a really, really, ridiculous outfit) and more or less tormented him for a long time. They finally got together, and then she ran away. So took black light karate lessons, rode a horse, and grew old lonely. Finally, at the end, she kissed him, and he keeled. It was actually a little bit of a sad ending. But it was an awesome way to end our day.

Tomorrow, we're going to Kutna Hora, which is a small town outside of Prague. It has a bone church, with over 40,000 skeletons decorating the interior. Kinda can't wait.

Pictures to come!

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