Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Made it to Vienna!

As sad as we were to leave Prague (and we were super sad), south-south-eastward, ho!

With basically zero snafus, and a Czech uber under our belts, Becky and I (and several adventuresome Blackhawks fans) made it on to the correct train, at the correct time, heading in the correct direction.  Approximately four hours later, we hit Vienna.  While on the train, we planned our approach to the 2.5 days that we have in Austria.

Day 0.5 - 1

  1. Check into hotel, find food (priorities, man)
  2. Navigate the Viennese metro system, get a lay of the land
  3. Explore downtown Vienna via walking tour, doing as many of the historical attractions as are still open post-4:00 pm
  4. Find more food (obviously).
This plan was perfectly executed.  The Courtyard Marriott is lovely, and the receptionist was exceedingly helpful.  Lunch was tasty, and provided enough for breakfast leftovers.  The metro system, while more complicated than Prague's, still affords us a straight shot to the City Center, and we were able to do a pretty full loop of some of the main highlights.  I was even able to pre-identify what my Austria magnet will be (I'm not fully committed, but like... 85% of the way there).

Day 1
We went ahead and booked a day-long excursion, so that we could get a sense of the Austrian countryside.  This will be a panoramic Alpine tour, featuring the Admont Abbey (home of the largest Benedictine library in the world) and the town of Hallstatt.  We're excited.

Day 2
We also have an excursion planned for Wednesday.  At 10:00 AM, we're going to the Spanish Riding School to watch dressage practice.  My understanding is that this is held at a palace, and will be set to Mozart.  There is no part of this excursion that I'm not super excited for.  

We'll surely add some other activities to the agenda, but this is where we are so far - this is a pretty darned rockin' trip, guys.

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